In this alternate history steampunk fantasy, Carver is a guide helping the dead find their next lives in Riven. When a mysterious spirit stokes a war across Riven's central city, Carver must uncover the reason, and its implications for the living, before it's too late.
Save the spirits, save the world.
Haunted by a past that wants him dead, Carver must find a way to stop Riven's collapse before he becomes the very monster he's trying to save.
Carver thought he’d saved the world from the endless dead, but as Earth tries to find peace, a new threat targets the guides themselves, and Carver’s first on its list.
The dead belong in Riven. The living on Earth. But as war fills Riven to bursting, Carver has to find a way to keep those lines clear, or there won’t be much difference between the worlds for long.
Save the spirits, save the world.
Haunted by a past that wants him dead, Carver must find a way to stop Riven's collapse before he becomes the very monster he'