Demons, devils . . . and lasers?

Such are the traps when writing both science fiction and fantasy. Some days, you just want to soar among the stars. Others, you find yourself trapped in a desolate city, dodging maniacal spirits.

So it goes.

Spring marks a few months into the new year, and there's a bevy of new adventures at play, including some favorites now in audio, others re-edited and spruced up, and, last, some new releases stock on your shelves (or store in your e-reader's memory).

On the new release front, too, you should expect to see more regular launches. Having a second kiddo last year pushed some things back that I wasn't expecting, but now I'm getting into a good groove, which is always easier to do when you're having fun writing the stories rather than pushing past exhaustion to get another paragraph in. This newsletter's one good way to hear about them, but if there's another platform you prefer, like Amazon or Bookbub followers, that works too.

At any rate, thanks again for reading, listening, and enjoying these stories. If you'd like to reach out, have a question, you can always find me on the contact form here, or on the BKB/A.R. Knight Facebook pages.

Till next time, take care and happy reading!

The Price of Peace - The Seven Isles Book One

The Aegis is dying, and the fiends are coming.

Across the Seven Isles, whispers sound of strange creatures haunting steps, of disappearances and deaths. Those rumors don’t reach the jungles of Vis, where Wax and his friends journey far from home seeking a rare treasure. What waits for them beneath the dark canopy is beyond anything they could expect, or believe.

The Price of Peace kicks off new fantasy series The Seven Isles, and it's now out and available everywhere in print and ebook. AI Audio can be acquired on Google Play if that's your speed, otherwise narrated editions are forthcoming.

The sequel, The Trail of Flame, comes out April 25th (is that next month? it is? Maybe I'll be having that coffee after all . . .) and is up for pre-order if that's your thing.

Drop Zone and Helix Strike - Now in Narrated Audio

If you've ever wanted a firefight to break out in your ears, well, that dream can now be yours. Drop Zone and Helix Strike are now available in audio, narrated by the impeccable duo (and siblings) Jay and Mikhaila Aaseng. You can find these editions on just about every major audiobook retailer. The rest of Sever Squad is on the way.

Riven gets a new edit and a new cover

Nothing like a few angry spirits to scare a new cover into you. The Riven Trilogy has all new covers and is in the middle of a re-edit, because with experience comes a better ability to catch typos and clean up grammar.

Riven is all set to go, complete with an AI Audio version to match (if you're wondering, the AI Audio is part of the editing process) on Google Play. Print editions are coming soon, along with The Cycle and Spirit's End. If you've never taken a jump into this historical fantasy adventure, you can grab the ebook for free from just about anywhere and give it a shot.