An Onslaught Finds Its Voice
What happens when a skilled, heavily armed squad goes rogue?
Chaos, mostly. But the fun kind, with ships, lasers, swords, and strange aliens that just want to have a good time in their caves.
And now you can hear it all with the same impeccable narration from Jay and Mikhaila Aaseng, available (much like Drop Zone and Helix Strike) in audiobook just about everywhere.
Home Front will be following in not too long, keeping Sever Squad's journey on the move. Other series will be dashing after, making sure you can experience the story however you prefer.
If there's one way to spice up a commute, or get that dog walking a little bit faster, it's with Sever Squad rocking in your ears. If you're not sure, you can give Drop Zone's narration a try on our YouTube channel, or check out the sample chapters on Audible, Spotify, Kobo, and everywhere else.
However you get your dose of military sci-fi action, thanks for listening (or reading)!