An Epic Conclusion Approaches

An Epic Conclusion Approaches

Who doesn't love a cowboy hat and a sword?

Happy late summer, early fall!

It's been a few weeks, but time flies fast when you have a newborn at home. The newest member of our family is doing just fine, and I'm finding time to get in some words while the older brothers are at daycare and she's napping away. To that end, you'll find The Chains of Hope out on pre-order--at least the ebook edition, print pre-orders are still largely a fantasy--and set to release at the end of October.

To keep you entertaining until then, Jay's been doing some amazing narration of The Seven Isles series, with both The Price of Peace and The Trail of Flame out and about on all your usual audio hotspots.

After wrapping The Seven Isles, I'm returning to space to see how The Wild Nines plays out. They were, uh, not in a great spot when we last left Davin and the crew. Pursued by powerful enemies, fighting amongst themselves, needing some cash and willing to do just about anything to get it - sounds like the usual problems for Davin and the Nines. Aiming for a holiday release with this one, which'll be the sixth (!) book in this series.

Outside the writing, recently finished the Dark Matter series on Apple TV. After reading the book (by Blake Crouch, who also wrote much of the TV adaptation), I wanted to check it out because it's always neat to see how Hollywood interprets a great story.

And . . . not bad! For a novel where so much of the story involves personal drama and reckoning with one's choices, Dark Matter and Joel Edgerton keep you invested, though I'd still recommend reading the book before watching the show. There's just enough context that you miss, particularly as things get intense at the end. The book gives you more time to wrestle with the true terror of the situation, while the show prefers to spend its minutes in the muddier middle, which is fascinating, albeit slower paced.

On the Promo angle, you'll find me in one right now, but it's an awesome theme: clever women in sci-fi and fantasy. Click on through to find a big batch of awesome reading waiting for you.

Anyway, that's it for this sleep-deprived update. As ever, thanks for reading / listening / however you enjoy your stories, and take care.


A.R. Knight

A.R. Knight